Plagues and Blessings | God's World News
Plagues and Blessings
Critter File
Posted: March 01, 2017


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The ground in Egypt grew dark. Huge clouds of locusts (grasshoppers) covered every inch of it! As the bugs moved over the land, they ate every piece of fruit on Egypt’s trees. When they finished feeding, not a single plant or tree was left!

You may have read the story of the plague of locusts in Exodus 10. God used the plague to get Pharaoh to let His people go to the land He had promised them. He also used the plague to show Pharaoh just what kind of God he was dealing with. This God could command armies of bugs, and they did just what He said!

Some grasshoppers, called locusts, swarm like the ones in Exodus. They can cause people a lot of trouble! When millions and millions of the bugs join together for a feast, they can quickly devour farmers’ crops just like they did in Bible times. But God doesn’t use grasshoppers only in that way. He also uses the bugs to show His faithfulness. Just like the regular harvesting of crops, the grasshoppers come back reliably every year. The bugs feed rodents, birds, spiders, snakes, other insects, and people. The Ugandans—and bug-eating animals—know to wait for their food from God.

While the Earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. — Genesis 8:22