Plan Little, Build Big | God's World News
Plan Little, Build Big
Take Apart SMART!
Posted: April 21, 2015


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WORLDkids | Ages 7-10 | $35.88 per year

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What if someone paid you to play with Legos? Now that would be a classy job! Do you think it could ever happen?

Toys like Legos teach you how to build something small. Often that leads to building something big. In fact, if you want to build something big, building a small model is often the perfect way to start.

Just ask the Wright brothers, the inventors of the airplane. At first, their planes didn’t fly as well as they expected. But they didn’t want to run the same tests over and over again on the large planes. So they made model wing surfaces and built a wind tunnel. Think of a wind tunnel as a box full of rough weather. The Wright brothers built a 6-foot wooden box. No real airplane would fit inside that! But their model plane wings did. They put a fan on one side of the box. It blew air through at 25 miles per hour. After their wind tunnel tests on the model planes, the Wright brothers knew more about how planes fly than anyone in the world!

Even city builders use miniatures to plan their projects. With a small model, they can tell what kinds of space and tools they will need to build the real thing. What a smart way to work! Jesus knew how important good planning is. He asked, “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” (Luke 14:28)

Do you want to build something big one day? Or maybe create a brand-new invention? It’s never too early to start planning! You might want to begin with your Legos.