Whose City is it? | God's World News
Whose City is it?
Citizen Ship
Posted: June 29, 2015


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“Quick! Turn toward Jerusalem!”

If you heard someone say that, would you immediately know which way to face? Most people in the world wouldn’t. But practicing Jews would. They pray facing Jerusalem three times every day.

What makes this city so important? It depends on who you ask. The word Jerusalem appears all over the place in the Jewish Bible. King David and Solomon reigned there. Mount Moriah is there. Abraham walked up that mountain to sacrifice his son Isaac. Jews are still waiting for a Messiah. They believe God will make His promise come true in their beloved city.

Muslims value the city for other reasons. They aren’t waiting for a Jewish Messiah. But they do feel tied to Abraham and Ishmael. They feel connected to their shrine, the Dome of the Rock.

The word Jerusalem has the word “shalom” inside it. That means peace. But the city is not always peaceful. People have fought over it for years. Once in history, Muslims controlled it. Then for a time, Christians did. The Six Day War happened in 1967. Since then, Jews have controlled Jerusalem. Today, Jews share the Dome of the Rock with Muslims.

No one can find an easy way to stop the conflict over the city. Fighting and disagreements will be part of the world until Jesus returns. When He comes, true shalom will come—forever.

Citizen Ship, July/August