Dead Cat Walking | God's World News
Dead Cat Walking
News Shorts
Posted: January 30, 2015


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Ellis Hutson’s cat is tougher than your cat. In fact, the Tampa Bay Humane Society calls him Bart the Miracle Cat.

Why? Because Bart was buried alive and he survived!
Bart was hit by a car a few weeks ago. Mr. Hutson found him. He was too sad to bury him himself. He asked a neighbor to dig a shallow grave for Bart.

Five days after the burial, Bart showed up in a nearby yard. He was meowing—probably for food, water, and a good veterinarian. He had dug himself out of his grave! Mr. Hutson believes Bart’s recovery was a miracle. Talk about cats having nine lives!

Bart’s almost-death gave the people of Tampa a chance to be good neighbors. Bart had a broken jaw and deep wounds. One of his eyes had to be removed. But Mr. Hutson couldn’t afford the expensive vet bills. People from his community raised enough money to pay for everything.

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” —Matthew 7:12