Do You Heart Cranberries? | God's World News
Do You Heart Cranberries?
News Shorts
Posted: November 26, 2024
  • K1 91644
    Workers harvest cranberries at Rocky Meadow Bog in Middleborough, Massachusetts. (AP/Charles Krupa)
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    A frog in a bog! A frog rests on floating cranberries during a wet harvesting at Rocky Meadow Bog. (AP/Charles Krupa)
  • K1 91644
  • K2 76527


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Here’s some Thanksgiving trivia. Do cranberries grow on trees or bushes?

That was a trick question. Cranberries grow on vines. In bogs

Yep, cranberries flourish in wetlands. They spread out on vines, kind of like strawberries. 

It makes perfect sense that this American fruit finds a place in Thanksgiving feasts. But here’s another question. Why do so many Americans dislike cranberry sauce?

Cranberry sauce has been part of American cooking for centuries. Native Americans used cranberries in food and medicine. Early European settlers used them in sauces and jams. By the 19th century, cranberry sauce was a Thanksgiving tradition. 

Canned cranberry sauce made it even more popular. Some people prefer the canned, jellied sauce. It’s fun! It jiggles! Others say homemade is the only way to go.

In 2021, grocery delivery service Instacart took a survey about cranberry sauce. About 29 percent of American adults said they hate it. Nearly 50 percent called it disgusting. This makes cranberry sauce the most disliked dish on the Thanksgiving table. But for most, it’s still on the table. It wouldn’t feel like Thanksgiving without it.

Watch your Thanksgiving table this year. Check to see if there’s cranberry sauce left after dinner.

If you’re a cranberry lover, here are some fun ideas for using up the extras. Add cranberry sauce to your grilled cheese sandwich. Invent a new salad dressing. Mix a tablespoon of leftover cranberry sauce with vinegar, oil, fresh herbs, salt, and pepper. Shake!

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. — 1 Corinthians 10:31