Fit for an Emperor | God's World News
Fit for an Emperor
News Shorts
Posted: November 20, 2023
  • K1 56027
    Auction house workers at Osenat’s auction house in Fontainebleau, France, uncover one of the signature broad, black hats that Napoleon wore. (AP/Christophe Ena)
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    This painting shows Napoleon greeting French soldiers and citizens after escaping exile on the island of Elba. (Janet Brown/AP)
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    A bicorne hat has two corners or horns. (AP/Christophe Ena)
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    A visitor looks at the bicorne hat at Osenat’s auction house in Fontainebleau, France. (AP/Christophe Ena)
  • K1 56027
  • K2 Steuben
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  • K3 80935


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Cap for sale! It’s a faded and cracked felt bicorne (two-cornered) hat. Napoleon Bonaparte wore it in the early 1800s.

On Sunday, the topper sold at auction. How much did it cost to take it home? A whopping $2.1 million!

Napoleon was a famous French general and emperor. He owned around 120 bicorne hats over the years. Experts think about 20 of those still exist.

Other officers usually wore their bicorne hats with the wings facing front to back. But Napoleon wore his with the ends pointing toward his shoulders. The style was known as en bataille. That means “in battle.” It made it easier for his troops to spot their leader in combat.

The hat also features a cockade. The colorful, round pleated cloth has the colors of the French flag—red, white, and blue. Napoleon is said to have added it himself in 1815.

When people saw the hat in battle, “they knew without a doubt that Napoleon was present,” Jean Pierre Osenat told reporters before the auction. He is the president of the auction company. “In private, he’d either have it on his head or in his hand, sometimes throwing it on the ground. It was the emperor’s hallmark.”

The auction also featured a nightshirt and handkerchief that belonged to Napoleon. Bidders could purchase antique pistols, swords, and other items from the time of Napoleon’s life.

He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings. — Daniel 2:20-21