LEGO Castle | God's World News
LEGO Castle
News Shorts
Posted: May 13, 2015


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WORLDkids | Ages 7-10 | $35.88 per year

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Ever since Robert Carney was a little boy, he has dreamed about castles. What would it be like to live in one? Or even build one?

Now Mr. Carney is a retired doctor. Instead of building castles out of stone, he builds them out of LEGOs. He has built 147 so far. He has gotten so good, the government of Wales is paying him to build a Welsh castle! The government hopes the model will encourage people to visit the country.

Mr. Carney plans to finish the Welsh castle by mid-June. It will stretch nine feet long and take tens of thousands of LEGOs to build. Mr. Carney’s boyhood dream is coming true.

“A desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” —Proverbs 13:12