Meet the Astronauts | God's World News
Meet the Astronauts
News Shorts
Posted: April 05, 2023
  • AP23093607961678
    From left to right: NASA Astronauts Christina Koch, Victor Glover (top), Reid Wiseman (bottom), and Canadian Space Agency Astronaut Jeremy Hansen (Josh Valcarcel/NASA via AP)


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Astronauts haven’t visited the Moon in 50 years. But that’s about to change. Next year, NASA will launch the Artemis II mission. Four astronauts will fly around the Moon. But who gets to go?

This Monday, NASA announced the Moon-bound crew. The team includes three Americans and one Canadian.

NASA chose Reid Wiseman as crew commander. He previously served as Chief of the Astronaut Office. That’s the top leadership position for NASA astronauts.

Christina Koch will be the first woman to join a lunar mission. She also holds the record for longest spaceflight by a woman—328 days. She has degrees in engineering and physics.

Jeremy Hansen is the Canadian on the crew. He used to fly fighter jets. He’s the only crew member who hasn’t been to space. This is the first time a Canadian has joined a NASA Moon mission. Canada earned its seat by providing NASA with robotic parts.

Victor Glover will fly the spacecraft. He’s a pilot for the U.S. Navy. He’s also a Christian. On the International Space Station, he worked as an engineer. During that time, he watched services at his home church online. He even brought his Bible to space.

In 2024, NASA will launch these astronauts in the Orion capsule. Last year, this same capsule flew around the Moon without a crew. The Artemis II mission will mark the first time astronauts have flown the capsule.

The mission should take 10 days. If it goes well, NASA could land astronauts on the Moon by 2025.

Retired astronauts such as Buzz Aldrin congratulated the new crew. Mr. Aldrin was one of the first men to walk on the Moon. President Joe Biden also spoke with the four astronauts and their families.

By exploring space, we learn about its Creator. God created an entire universe. Earth is just one small part! We won’t all get the opportunity to visit space. But we can all look up at the stars and marvel at God’s handiwork.

Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name; by the greatness of His might and because He is strong in power, not one is missing. — Isaiah 40:26