Passing the Crown | God's World News
Passing the Crown
News Shorts
Posted: September 09, 2022


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Great Britain’s beloved Queen Elizabeth II died on Thursday, September 8. The 96-year-old ruler spent her final moments at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. She was surrounded by her family. For the first time since 1952, Britain has a king.

The news didn’t come as a complete surprise. The day before, the Queen had canceled a virtual meeting. Doctors said she needed rest. She had already passed many royal duties to her son.

Queen Elizabeth received the British crown at 25 years old. She reigned for 70 years.

Now Britain has a new monarch: the Queen’s son, King Charles III. He is 73 years old.

Prince Charles prepared for the crown his entire life. He began his royal apprenticeship in childhood. At school, the future king’s classmates often bullied him. But in 1970, he became the first royal family member to earn a university degree.

Many British people have only ever known the Queen. No one under 70 has lived with a British king on the throne. The words of the British national anthem, “God Save the Queen,” have changed. Now the British people will sing “God Save the King.”

Charles became King the moment his mother died. Many formal ceremonies will announce his ascension. As a prince, he often got involved in politics. As King, he will need to stand apart from that. His role is limited. While Parliament and the prime minister make political decisions, the monarch is more of a public figurehead. King Charles embodies tradition and unity for the British people.

If you live in a country without royalty, these traditions might seem strange. But for Great Britain, they provide a connection to history. Whatever else changes, the royal line remains.

He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. — Daniel 2:21