Saving Grain | God's World News
Saving Grain
News Shorts
Posted: August 28, 2023
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    Farmers harvest a grain field near Wernigerode, Germany. Norway will spend $6 million per year stocking up on grain. (AP/Matthias Schrader)
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    A worker rakes wheat in a granary in Zhurivka, Kyiv region, Ukraine. (AP/Efrem Lukatsky)
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Norway is saving for the future. But it’s not putting money in the bank. It’s stocking up on grain.

The Scandinavian country will spend 63 million kroner each year on grain until 2028 or 2029. That’s $6 million U.S. dollars per year.

Norway will start storing 15,000 tons of grain each year. Geir Pollestad is the minister for agriculture and food. He says the aim is to always have three months’ worth of the food in storage. Toward the end of the decade, 82,500 tons should be in stock.

Why? The Norwegian government wants to be prepared. Russia’s war in Europe and global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have made it harder to move food and other products around the world. They interrupted the supply chain. For example, Ukraine grows a lot of corn, wheat, and barley. But lately, Russia hasn’t allowed Ukraine to ship crops to other countries.

“In a situation with extreme prices on the world market, it will still be possible to buy grain, but if we have done our job, we will not be so dependent on [being] the highest bidder,” says Mr. Pollestad. “We can help keep prices down.”

That’s likely wise planning. Read Genesis 41. Through Pharaoh’s dream, God told Joseph to build food reserves before seven years of famine. That saved the lives of many.

Humans can’t predict the future. Only God knows the events to come. Even so, we can seek to make wise choices while trusting in God to take care of us.

Norway also houses the Global Seed Vault. Groups from around the world have deposited nearly a million seed samples there. Read more about it in Inside the Vault.

The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty. — Proverbs 21:5