Ugliest Dog | God's World News
Ugliest Dog
News Shorts
Posted: June 26, 2018


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Congratulations, Zsa Zsa. You’re the ugliest dog in the world!

At least, judges at the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest in Petaluma, California, think so. The 9-year-old English bulldog’s tongue hangs out so far it almost touches the ground. Her face is wrinkled. Her teeth stick out. For the contest, she wore a sparkly pink collar. Her toenails were painted pink. She ate a Slim Jim and sneezed and drooled all over the judges. She and her owner took away a hot pink trophy and $1,500 in prize money.

The World’s Ugliest Dog contest has happened for 30 years. Some of this year’s contestants had sagging skin, different-colored eyes, and hairless bodies. Like many dogs in the contest, Zsa Zsa was rescued. The contest is supposed to encourage people to seek out unwanted dogs and give them homes.

(AP Photo: Zsa Zsa stands onstage after being announced the winner of the World's Ugliest Dog Contest on June 23.)