The next president of Uruguay starts his new job on March 1. But he and his family won’t move to the fancy presidential residence. They will stay at their home in a beachside town called Salinas.
Uruguay has an official residence for its presidents. The home is called the Suarez Residence. The three-story house is in the capital, Montevideo. Residents can enjoy a rose garden, a pond, a swimming pool, and a sports court. So why did Yamandú Orsi turn it down?
President-elect Orsi’s two children are still in school. Victorio and Lucia are twins. The Orsi family decided to stay in Salinas. That way, the children won’t have to change schools.
Salinas is 24 miles east of the capital. Though they will live in Salinas, President-elect Orsi and his family will often have to travel to the capital.
Most countries have official presidential residences. Having a dedicated home for the president makes it easier for security guards to keep the president safe. These homes are places for the president to host visitors. And often the homes are historical. They represent the legacy of the country and past presidents.
In the United States, presidents live in the White House. All U.S. presidents but one have lived there. That one was George Washington. When he was in office, the White House wasn’t built yet! But he did choose its location.
President-elect Orsi isn’t the first Uruguayan president to stay home. Three others before him also made the same choice.
One of those was former President José Mujica. He was in office from 2010 to 2015. He stayed on his farm on the outskirts of Montevideo. He still lives there. He said that the Suarez Residence was too luxurious.
But his farmhouse couldn’t stay exactly the same. His staff added security cameras and escape routes.
In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? — John 14:2