Way Too Many Dead Fish | God's World News
Way Too Many Dead Fish
News Shorts
Posted: July 19, 2024
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    Thousands of dead fish lie on the banks of the Piracicaba River in Brazil on July 17, 2024. (AP/Andre Penner)
  • K2 80710
    That is a LOT of fish! (AP/Andre Penner)
  • K1 20515
  • K2 80710


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Tons of fish died along a big river in Brazil. And we mean literal tons—between 10 and 20 tons.

That many fish don’t just go belly-up for no reason. People investigate. They blame the disaster on a sugar and ethanol factory. They say the factory dumped waste into the Piracicaba River, killing the fish. 

The Sao Jose Sugar and Alcohol company officials deny the claim.

Adriano Queiroz works for the region’s environmental agency. “It will take years for the environment to recover,” he says.

On Wednesday, a carpet of floating fish covered the waterway. That’s bad news for the river. It’s a blow to people who rely on it for work and food.

Police investigate too. They ask, “Was a crime committed?”

If the sugar company did foul up the water, it will have to pay a huge fine.

What can Brazilians do about the disaster? They can add more water to the river. Fish will take in less poison. People reported the bad fish smell on July 7. The same day, authorities asked workers at a hydroelectric power plant to release more water.

Things looked a bit better by July 9. The water contained more oxygen. That means more fish may survive.

 But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. — Amos 5:24