A Heart for the Persecuted | God's World News
A Heart for the Persecuted
Citizen Ship
Posted: July 01, 2024
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    Wendy Wright, second from left, and others fill bottles with rice, Bibles, and radios. The river’s current carries the bottles from South Korea to North Korea. (CFI, photos by Wendy Wright)
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    Wendy Wright is the president of Christian Freedom International. (CFI, photos by Wendy Wright)
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    This photo shows Richard Wurmbrand and his wife Sabina in the 1930s. This was before he was imprisoned for 14 years. Mrs. Wurmbrand also spent a shorter time in prison. (Public domain)
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    Kim Jong Un is the dictator of North Korea. (Government of Primorsky Krai Region via AP)
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    Signs in South Korea protest the harsh rule in North Korea. (CFI, photos by Wendy Wright)
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Wendy Wright became a Christian when she was 16 years old. After that, a man named Richard Wurmbrand spoke at her church. (Have you heard of Mr. Wurmbrand? He famously served as a pastor in communist Romania. He spent 14 years in prison for his faith. Then he wrote a book called Tortured for Christ.) Mr. Wurmbrand’s talk turned on a lightbulb in Miss Wright’s head. She realized: Christians all over the world face persecution, and it has been happening all through history!

Miss Wright grew up to become the president of Christian Freedom International (CFI). That ministry sends food and Bibles to mistreated Christians around the world. CFI workers even set up schools.

What’s the hardest thing CFI does? Reach Christians in North Korea.

Find North Korea on the map. A dictator named Kim Jung Un rules the land. His family controls what North Koreans are allowed to know. North Koreans can’t get television, internet, or other communications from other areas of the world. They have to memorize the teachings of Supreme Leader Kim Jung Un.

Guess what Kim Jung Un doesn’t like? Christianity. If a North Korean becomes a Christian, it means that the cruel leader has lost control over that person’s thoughts.

If a person is caught talking about the Bible in North Korea, he or she may spend 15 years or more in prison.

CFI cannot get into North Korea. So what do workers do? They help North Koreans get out.

Why? No one—not even a powerful dictator—can stop the spread of God’s kingdom.