Animals Fill Up    | God's World News
Animals Fill Up   
Critter File
Posted: March 02, 2020


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These all look to you, to give them their food in due season. When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are filled with good things. — Psalm 104:27-28

God fills animals with the food they need. And we do mean FILLS! Just look at this list of animals God feeds in surprising ways.

Anteaters have no teeth. Good thing ants aren’t chewy! The anteater’s tongue—which can be up to two feet long—helps it eat about 30,000 ants in one day.

Blue whales are the largest animals on Earth. Each day, one blue whale downs 40 million tiny crustaceans called krill.

Elephants may spend 12 to 18 hours eating every day. By the end, they’ve put away between 200-600 pounds! And if you have an elephant, don’t bother with a watering dish. Use the bathtub. They drink about 50 gallons a day.

Pandas spend up to 14 hours daily eating up to 27 pounds of bamboo. (The average adult human eats about five and a half pounds of food each day. So pandas eat about five times that.)

Certain hummingbirds eat half their bodyweight in sugar every day. Don’t follow their example!

Polyphemus moth caterpillars can eat 86,000 times their bodyweight in 56 days. For us, that would mean eating 50-200 pounds of lettuce per day.

Jungle leeches are blood-sucking parasites. They get their food by delivery . . . but sometimes they have to wait a while for a host to show up. Once they find a host, they can suck up seven times their bodyweight in just one meal!

Hippos normally weigh between 3,000 and 4,000 pounds. They eat around 88 pounds of food each night. They put on weight with a simple vegan diet: short grass and small green shoots.