Biopics in India | God's World News
Biopics in India
Citizen Ship
Posted: May 02, 2016


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WORLDkids | Ages 7-10 | $35.88 per year

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Did you know India has its own version of Hollywood? It’s called Bollywood. But Bollywood isn’t just like Hollywood. It has a flavor all its own! Bollywood movies have lots of singing and dancing. Many also show traditional, Indian weddings. Bollywood characters often practice Hinduism. The films show lots of bright Hindu festivals and holidays.

But Indian biopics are a little different. They’re a new trend in Bollywood. Like the Saina film, many of the movies are about athletes. You can watch Indian biopics about cricket players, wrestlers, runners, and boxers. Why do you think Indians are so interested in movies about sports?

India’s good athletes bring the small, populous country a lot of pride. That might be because it has so few of them! India is not nearly as big as the United States. But it has more people than any country except China! We said before that India hasn’t had many world champion athletes. Isn’t that strange for a place with so many people? Even poorer countries than India do better in the Olympics. This might be because Indians often think studying is more important than playing sports. A kid who spends a lot of time training will probably fall behind in school. Also, different areas of India are not very well connected to each other. In certain parts of the country, athletes might not even know how to get involved in the Olympics.

But could that change? Saina’s success has inspired Indians. Now many want to play badminton. Will we soon see more great Indian cricket players, wrestlers, runners, and boxers? Maybe biopics will help talented athletes use the gifts God gave them!