Clean Bot | God's World News
Clean Bot
Jet Balloon
Posted: January 11, 2018


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WORLDkids | Ages 7-10 | $35.88 per year

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What’s the best way to keep your clean bedroom clean? Don’t let any people in! That’s true of another kind of room.  It’s called a clean room. People make products like medicine there. Even microscopic contaminants must be kept out!

The SS050 may not be the prettiest robot you’ve ever seen. It looks like a sink faucet and moves like an animal.  But it’s the cleanest bot around. It has no holes or corners where bacteria can grow. That’s why it won the Grand Design Award Exhibition in Tokyo.

The faucet-bot can replace germy people in clean rooms. Its windy neck can maneuver between objects. Its plier-like pinchers can pick up glass tubes, pour their contents into new tubes, and mix. People must put on sterile clothes every time they go into the room. Even then, they might bring in dirt or germs. When it comes to clean, people can’t outdo robots!

Did you know a perfectly sterile room might be TOO clean for people? Some researchers think germs help develop people’s immune systems. They believe kids need a little dirt in their environment.

Could being too clean cause some people develop allergies and asthma? Maybe. Studies show kids who grow up on farms around animals have less asthma and allergies than other kids.

When it comes to eternity, it doesn’t matter how clean or dirty our rooms are. God looks at our hearts. He only accepts people whose hearts are perfectly clean.

“The blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.”—1 John 1:7