Dad, Can I Get a Pet Octopus? | God's World News
Dad, Can I Get a Pet Octopus?
Critter File
Posted: July 01, 2024
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    Terrance the octopus lived with the Clifford family in Oklahoma. (Cameron Clifford via AP)
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    The Clifford family did lots of research before getting an octopus. (Cameron Clifford via AP)
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    To prepare for Terrance, the Clifford family set up a saltwater tank and a water cycling system. (Cameron Clifford via AP)
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    The baby octopuses have their own separate containers. (Cameron Clifford via AP)
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    Terrance became a social media star. (Cameron Clifford via AP)
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WORLDkids | Ages 7-10 | $35.88 per year

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Nine-year-old Cal Clifford always wanted an octopus. Then his dream came true.

Cal’s octopus obsession started as a toddler. His parents gave him a toy octopus. But that wouldn’t do. As he got older, he longed for the real thing.

But octopuses aren’t common pets. Plus, the Clifford family lives in Oklahoma. The nearest ocean is over 500 miles away.

Even so, Mr. Clifford didn’t dismiss his son’s desire. When Cal’s octopus love lingered, he decided to research: Can you own a pet octopus?

“We really like to encourage our children’s interests,” says Mr. Clifford. “It’s magical to see a kid embrace [his] dreams and bring them to fruition.”

Mr. Clifford visited the local aquarium store. There, he learned you can own an octopus!

When he told Cal, the boy cried happy tears. They researched and prepared together. Saltwater tank? Check. Water cycling system? Check. Octopus food? Check. Cal’s mom and younger brother also helped. A family friend pitched in some animal expertise.

Soon, Terrance the California two-spot octopus arrived. This species is also called the “bimac octopus.” Terrance became a social media star. The Clifford family posted videos of the octopus. Hundreds of thousands of people watched!

Then the family got a surprise. Terrance was a girl! How did they know? She laid about 50 eggs. Then those eggs started to hatch. Once, Cal longed for a single octopus. Suddenly, there were dozens!

But it wasn’t all celebration. Female octopuses usually die shortly after laying eggs. The Clifford family waited. A month passed. Then another. And another. After four months, Terrance died. The Cliffords are taking care of the babies. Most will go to aquariums and researchers.

The Clifford family didn’t rush into octopus ownership. Experts say that most people shouldn’t keep octopuses as pets. Cal and his parents researched and prepared. They could give Terrance a happy home. Taking good care of pets is a way of caring for God’s creation.

Why? Sometimes, dreams can come true—but pursue them responsibly!