Fixing the World | God's World News


Fixing the World
Critter File
Posted: January 18, 2015


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What did God think after He finished His creation? The Bible tells us that “God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31) He was right! The world was perfect. Animals and people were in their proper places.

But sin came. That caused problems—everywhere. Just look at the animals! Some are predators or pests. Some spread disease.

God gave man authority over animals. But God didn’t say, “Do whatever you want to them.” He cares how we treat his creations. When should people protect animals? When should they let animals run free? Not everyone agrees.

Let’s look at a couple of animals. Coyotes attack livestock and pets. But coyotes also eat disease-spreading animals. Should humans interfere when coyotes move into cities and near homes?

Bison roam in Yellowstone National Park. Many are infected with a disease. Every year a few Yellowstone bison escape. They infect nearby cattle. Humans can get the disease too. Then they have flu-like symptoms—maybe for years! Some people want the bison to roam free. Others say no way! What do you think?

We can’t fix everything in the world. Only God can. He will, too, when Jesus returns. But we can still treat God’s creatures responsibly. Sometimes that means rescuing them. Sometimes it means rebuilding their homes. Other times it means leaving them alone.