Make Way for the Queen | God's World News
Make Way for the Queen
Citizen Ship
Posted: November 01, 2023
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    Princess Leonor attends class on her first day at the General Military Academy in Zaragoza, Spain, on August 18, 2023. (Archie Andrews/ABACAPRESS.COM)
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    Princess Leonor starts her training. (Archie Andrews/ABACAPRESS.COM)
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    Leonor prepares to deliver a speech in Oviedo, Spain, in October 2022. (AP/Alvaro Barrientos)
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    Leonor, center, leaves the 2022 Princess of Asturias Awards ceremony with King Felipe VI, left, Queen Letizia, center bottom, and her sister Sofia, right. (AP/Alvaro Barrientos)
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    King Felipe kisses his daughter, Princess Leonor, after making her part of the Order of the Golden Fleece in 2018. (Juan Medina via AP)
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She’s just another student heading to military school. Or is she?

This young woman has a big name: Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz. Right now she’s a cadet—someone training for the army. But one day she’ll be queen of Spain.

When Leonor was born, her dad was a prince—Prince Felipe. Her mom a princess—Princess Letizia. Nine years later, her parents became king and queen. Now Leonor is 17. She’s next in line for the Spanish throne.

What would feel like to know you would rule a country one day? Princess Leonor has always known that feeling. Unless, of course, her parents had a male child. Spanish law says a male inherits the throne before a female. What if the sister is older than the brother? Sorry, Leonor. The rule doesn’t change. Good thing Felipe and Letizia’s next child was a girl too! Her name is Princess Sophia.

Leonor’s father planned for her future. King Felipe made Leonor a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece one day before her 10th birthday. That’s one of the highest honors in Spain. Leonor works hard getting ready to rule. She speaks four languages.

Queendom is much more than curtsies and gowns. Leonor will attend the General Military Academy. The school trains Spain’s army leaders. After one year, she continues to Spanish naval school. She’ll learn to sail ships! She’ll finish at Spain’s air force academy. Then comes college. Leonor’s grandfather and father followed the same path.

Jesus knew from childhood that He was the King of the Universe. What did He do with His great power? He used it to serve others.

The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. — Matthew 20:28

Why? Royal leadership comes with responsibilities. Good leaders serve others.