Meet Your Marvelous Blood | God's World News
Meet Your Marvelous Blood
Science Soup
Posted: November 01, 2023
  • 1 partsofblood
    Blood helps make our bodies work. (stock)
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    Red blood cells carry oxygen. (stock)
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    White blood cells fight infections. (stock)
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    Plasma is the liquid part of blood. (stock)
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    Platelets help form clots. (stock)
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How well do you know your blood?

At first glance, it just looks red. But look through a microscope! You’ll see a world of complex parts. God gave each one an important job.

Red Blood Cells

Meet the most famous part of blood: red blood cells. Sometimes called erythrocytes, these cells give blood its red color. They carry oxygen. They take it from your lungs. Then they carry it to the parts of your body that need it.

White Blood Cells

Don’t mess with these guys! They make up only about one percent of your blood. But they pack a punch! White blood cells are the body’s army. They fight off infections. Sometimes these cells are called leukocytes.


How do blood cells get where they’re going? Plasma. This is the liquid part of your blood. It carries nutrients through the body. Without red blood cells, plasma looks yellow. Most of the contents of your bloodstream is plasma.


Last but not least—platelets. Platelets are pieces of cells. They’re sometimes called thrombocytes. They help your blood coagulate. This thickens the blood. When you get a cut, coagulation forms a clot and then a scab. The bleeding stops. Platelets are important!

The average adult has about one and a half gallons of blood. That blood contains trillions of cells. God designed it just right to make our bodies work. Without enough red blood cells, we run out of oxygen. Without enough white blood cells, infections spread. Without enough platelets, we bleed too much. And without plasma, the other parts can’t do their jobs.

Next time you stick on a bandage—thank God for blood!

For more about blood, see A Drop of Blood by Paul Showers in our Recommended Reading.