No Nutellas Allowed | God's World News
No Nutellas Allowed
Citizen Ship
Posted: July 01, 2022


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WORLDkids | Ages 7-10 | $35.88 per year

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Did you know some names are illegal?

  • Little girls in France can’t sport the names Fraise (French for strawberry) or Nutella.
  • Would you call the @ symbol a name? China and parts of the United States say no.
  • Linda is illegal in Saudi Arabia because it sounds too foreign.
  • A parent in Sweden was forbidden from naming a baby BRFXXCCXXMNPCCCCLLLMMNPRXVCLMNCKSSQLBB11116.
  • In Switzerland, kids can’t bear the name of Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus.
  • Malaysians can’t name their babies Ah Chwar, which means Snake.

In the Bible, names sometimes show something about where a person fits in God’s story. At times in the Bible, God told parents what to name their child. (Genesis 16:11, Luke 1:13) God also renamed some people. (Genesis 17:5, 32:28) And children were given names rich with meaning. Jesus was one of them. An angel told Joseph, “You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)

Olivia means olive tree, a biblical symbol of abundant life. Liam means protector. Your name may say something about the family you belong to or your time in history. What does your name mean, and why did your parents pick it? Tell us your naming story in email at Meanwhile, here are some of ours:

Rob Patete, art designer
My middle name is Land, which is my mother’s maiden name.

Kim Stegall, WORLDTeen writer
My parents named me Kimberly, but I’ve always gone by Kim. They chose that shortened form because of Rudyard Kipling’s novel, Kim.

Kelsey Reed, GWN News Coach
My parents named me “Kelsey Leigh.” In Irish, Kelsey Leigh means Brave Healer.

Anna Smith, editorial assistant
My middle name, Eleanor, is my mom’s middle name.

Rebecca Cochrane, managing editor
I was born on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day, and my parents teased that they almost named me “Pearl.” Instead, they called me Rebecca Marie.

Vicki Drake, God’s Big WORLD editor
I am named for my grandfathers: Victor and Anthony. Antoinette is my middle name and might have meant priceless or flower.

Amy Auten, GWN writer
Amy means beloved/loved one. It’s related to the French words for love and friend.

Chelsea Boes, WORLDKids writer
One of the meanings of Chelsea is harbor. I think God made me to be a safe place for other people.