No Worries | God's World News
No Worries
Science Soup
Posted: September 06, 2016


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Once the helium was discovered in Tanzania, many people breathed a sigh of relief. Doesn’t their worry seem a little silly now? They were so concerned about not having enough helium when lots of helium was hiding in the ground the whole time!

Has something like that ever happened to you? God promises to take care of us. He says that all things work together for good for those who love Him. (Romans 8:28) But often, we find this hard to believe—especially when things don’t look to us like they’re going well. But God always keeps His promises. He always provides what we need.

God knows how many hairs are on your head at this very moment. He notices every time a bird falls. He made the world and He designed people to live in it. Earth’s resources will run out only if He allows them to. In the meantime, He has a command for us: Don’t worry!

But God also wants us to take good care of the world He has given us. It is a good idea to use all our resources wisely, and to look for new sources of them when we’re running low. God gave us the ability to search for the things we need, helium included. That is just one more way He cares for us!