Olms From Underground | God's World News
Olms From Underground
Critter File
Posted: May 02, 2016


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Rain fell and fell and fell. The famous cave systems in the European country of Slovenia had a great flood. Suddenly, strange creatures started washing up on land. They measured up to sixteen inches long. They looked something like snakes, but had four little legs. Their heads were flat and shaped like wedges. They had pinkish-white skin. You can probably guess what they were!

The people of Slovenia made a guess too. But it wasn’t the same as your guess. They thought the creatures were baby dragons! It’s no wonder they did. The creatures had long, dragon-like bodies and pink frills around their necks. A naturalist named Janez Vajkard Valvasor wrote about them. That was way back in1680. But to this day, the people of Slovenia tell myths about dragons that live under the earth—all because of olms.

White olms only live in limestone caves in Italy, Slovenia, and Herzegovina. But most of them live in Slovenia. The olm eggs hatching this summer are in Postojna Cave, a huge series of passages visitors can travel through in trains. An olm aquarium has been open there since 2010. The fact that the olms there are laying eggs is a good sign. It means the aquarium is a safe place for Slovenia’s beloved “dragons.”