Sweet Pea’s Story | God's World News
Sweet Pea’s Story
Take Apart SMART!
Posted: March 02, 2016


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John and Jennifer Churchman live on a farm. And on that farm they have a mule, a horse, two cats, four dogs, and lots of sheep, chickens, ducks, and geese.

Farmer John also writes a blog about farming and animals. He includes lovely photos of life in Vermont.

Last winter, one of the Churchmans’ sheep got sick. The sheep named Sweet Pea had a fever. She couldn’t walk. The Churchmans’ border collie barked and barked. Farmer John heard the noise.

Farmer John told his readers about the trouble. They wanted more news about Sweet Pea. How was she? What about the other animals? Farmer John told them.

The Churchmans nursed Sweet Pea. Soon the sheep was well. The Churchmans brought Sweet Pea’s barn mates to their farmhouse. Everyone celebrated the recovery. There were decorations and special food. Farmer John took pictures and wrote about the party. He told his online audience all about the happy event.

People started asking the Churchmans to write a book about the animal party. Someone called it a “SheepOver.”

The Churchmans wrote Sweet Pea’s story. They took photos. They designed the pages by placing words and pictures. Farmer John’s readers offered ideas too.

The Churchmans decided to publish Sweet Pea’s story. They knew selling it themselves would be lots of work.

One day Farmer John took the book into a Vermont bookstore. The shop’s owner knew the book was a winner. She told other booksellers about it.

Soon people around the world saw the book. They fell in love with Sweet Pea and friends.

The Churchmans sold the rights to The SheepOver. Now a big publisher sells the book. Many copies have sold already.

Back on the farm, the Churchmans are busy. They’re taking care of the animals. They’re also working on more books about their fluffy friends.