The Great Wall of...Japan? | God's World News
The Great Wall of...Japan?
Jet Balloon
Posted: September 01, 2015


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When an earthquake happens, one of Earth’s plates slides underneath another. That sounds like no big deal. But it sure feels like a big deal on the surface!

Soon after the Japan earthquake, scientists made a discovery. They found a layer of slippery clay underground right where the quake-causing plates met. That clay may be the reason the plates slipped such a long way—about 164 feet. Perhaps the clay made the earthquake—and the tsunami—so huge.

But scientists are just scientists. They cannot tell or control the future. They cannot know everything about the Earth. They didn’t know about the underground clay. They didn’t know where and when the quake would strike.

Still, scientists and officials are trying to protect Japan from future disasters. Right now, they are building a 250-mile cement wall. In some places, the wall is nearly five

stories high!

The new wall-building project has created many jobs. But not everyone likes it. For many, the huge wall blocks beautiful views of the sea. Besides, some say, people don’t need walls for safety. They just need to move to high ground.

Others have a different idea. They say people should plant tall forests on the coasts. Those will help protect people from the waves. And when a storm has ended, rubble can wash through the trees and go back out to sea.

Earthquakes and tsunamis can be very scary. But we do not have to fear. God controls all the land and waves in the world!

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the Earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea. —Psalm 46:1-