The Quiet Work | God's World News
The Quiet Work
Citizen Ship
Posted: May 01, 2022


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WORLDkids | Ages 7-10 | $35.88 per year

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How many people volunteer every year? That question is hard to answer. One count says about 970 million people around the world volunteer . . . but that’s really just a guess. There are probably many, many more.

Many volunteer hours aren’t recorded. Think about it: Have your mom and dad ever quietly visited an isolated neighbor, taken a meal to someone who just had a baby, or given garden vegetables away? They probably didn’t report those kind acts to anybody. Many volunteers do as Jesus said: “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” (Matthew 6:3) In other words, when they do good, they don’t boast about it. So only God knows the real volunteer count!

Even though so many people volunteer, the world never runs out of needs. Who knows—maybe someday you will need the help of a volunteer.

Start Somewhere.

Where can you start?

  • Pick up litter on a walk or in the park.
  • Send a get well card or homemade art to someone sick or in the hospital.
  • Plant flowers outside windows of a nursing home.
  • Bake cookies for your town’s firefighters.
  • Read to kids younger than you.
  • Donate canned goods to a food drive.
  • Visit an animal shelter and play with the puppies.
  • Donate some of your toys to needy kids.

You probably have more ideas. Listen for God. Maybe He is bringing a need into your mind that you can help meet.