We don’t have to see where Jesus walked to believe in Him. But we can see these places. They’re real. He’s real.
Sneakers tied. Sunglasses on. Sunscreen vigorously applied to ears. Holy Land, here we come!
The Sea of Galilee. Tourists gaze out on sparkling blue water . . . and remember that Jesus walked on it! (Matthew 14) He calmed a storm here. (Matthew 8) He caused His disciples to catch so many fish here that their nets nearly broke. (John 21)
The Garden of Gethsemane. Knotty olive trees stand in a grove. Look around. Can you imagine Jesus praying here the night Judas betrayed Him? (Matthew 26)
The Western Wall. Before Christ came, God met the priest of His people in the temple. The most recent temple (called Herod’s temple) was destroyed in A.D. 70. Only this wall remains. Can you imagine this temple’s curtain tearing from top to bottom when Jesus died? (Matthew 27:51)
Oh little town of . . . Bethlehem. The town where Jesus was born lies five miles south of Jerusalem. The present-day people of Bethlehem trade farmed goods and carve olive wood. Many churches, schools, and hospitals stand in Bethlehem today.
The Jordan River. People still get baptized in the Jordan River, just as Jesus did. (Matthew 3) As you stand along the banks of this winding waterway, imagine what it must have felt like to see Jesus come up from the water and hear a voice from heaven say, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) Imagine Joshua and the Israelites crossing on dry ground as they entered the Promised Land. (Joshua 3) Imagine watching Naaman come out of the water completely healed of leprosy. (2 Kings 5)
The Garden Tomb. We don’t know the exact location where Jesus was crucified, buried, and resurrected. But some claim it happened at this spot outside Jerusalem’s city walls. What would it feel like to stand here, like Mary Magdalene, and see Jesus alive again? How would it feel to hear Him say your name? (John 20)