Walking by Faith | God's World News
Walking by Faith
Jet Balloon
Posted: March 01, 2023
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    Faith Kerubo Lumumba learned about Jesus at Uhuru Academy. (Photo courtesy of Uhuru Girls High School)
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    Students of Uhuru Academy take part in worship. (Photo courtesy of Uhuru Girls High School)
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    Students attend a class. (Photo courtesy of Uhuru Girls High School)
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    One of the Uhuru Academy school buildings (Photo courtesy of Uhuru Girls High School)
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WORLDkids | Ages 7-10 | $35.88 per year

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Faith Kerubo Lumumba comes from a big, beautiful family. She is one of eight children. But that’s not all. Faith thinks of her school teachers and friends as family too.

Faith became a student at Uhuru Academy when she was 15. In the mornings, she heard other students singing worship songs in prayer time. Something urged her to join them.

Faith first heard about Jesus in primary school. She learned even more in Uhuru’s prayer meetings, chapels, and discipleship classes. Staff began mentoring Faith. At age 16, she confessed Christ as her Savior. 

Uhuru Academy covers subjects like math, English, science, history, and geography. It also instructs students about living life for Jesus.

How should students tackle the hard issues they face at school and at home? How should students work through their feelings and relate to others? Staff at Uhuru coached Faith and her peers.  

Faith says a big lesson she learned is that she thrives when she is discipled and held accountable. Believers need others to encourage them in their journey. Other Christians help Faith stay close to God. They study scripture, pray, and attend church with her.  

Faith is now 18. She hopes to attend college later this year. She was able to assist in teaching while at Uhuru and found her calling. Faith wants to teach high school history and English.

In her spare time, Faith listens to gospel music, reads, spends time with friends, and has Bible study with her family. She is eager to serve as she has been served. She says, “If young people want someone to talk to, I’m here for them.” 

Pray for Faith and others like her to stay rooted in Christ and to always trust in God.