What Makes a Good President? | God's World News
What Makes a Good President?
Citizen Ship
Posted: September 01, 2024
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    Americans get to choose their leaders. (123RF)
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    We can look for marks of wisdom in a leader before we cast our votes. (AP)
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    Vice President Joe Biden, center, meets with members of his Cabinet. Good leaders choose wise advisors. (AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
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    The Apostle Peter lived under evil Roman leaders like Nero. But he knew that God was ultimately in control. (Public domain)
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When we think of the perfect leader, Jesus comes to mind. He “is the exact imprint of (God’s) nature” and “He upholds the universe by the word of His power.” (Hebrews 1:3) He’s mighty, exactly like His father, God. But He’s also humble. Humble enough to set aside His glory and come to Earth—and even die.

Jesus is perfectly just. He never lets sin go unpunished. And yet He is perfectly merciful. He takes the punishment for our sins. He came to this world “not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45) He’s the King of kings—and it’s a joy to serve a king who loves and rules well.

Of course, no leader will ever rule with the perfect wisdom, kindness, and justice of Jesus. But we can look to Jesus as the perfect example as we cast our votes. Which candidate rules with justice while also caring for the needy? Which can lay down his or her pride for the good of others? 

No leader will have perfect understanding of all things like Jesus does. But we can look for marks of wisdom in a leader. When faced with a hard decision, how does each candidate work with others? How does he or she receive criticism? Is he or she able to set down his or her opinion?

Sometimes no candidate looks much like Jesus. The Apostle Peter lived in the time of an evil Roman government. Yet he understood that God uses all rulers for His purposes. He wrote to God’s people, “Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.” (1 Peter 2:17)

For more about presidents, see So You Want To Be President? by Judith St. George in our Recommended Reading.