A Whisker of Hope | God's World News
A Whisker of Hope
News Shorts
Posted: March 12, 2025
  • K1 79637
    Katherine Kiefer holds her cat, Aggie, at VCA Chatoak Animal Hospital. (Carolyn Kiefer via AP)
  • K2 63915
    Katherine Kiefer looks at her burnt home in Los Angeles, California. (Carolyn Kiefer via AP)
  • K1 79637
  • K2 63915


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Firefighters stopped the deadly wildfires in Los Angeles, California. Now the recovery goes on. Locals mourn lost homes, possessions, and more. But in these hard times, one survivor found good news.

In January, 82-year-old Katherine Kiefer’s home burned down. She wasn’t there when flames filled her neighborhood. She was at a medical appointment. Her grown daughter, Carolyn, tried to save items from her house. Her mother had just one question.

“The one thing my mom asked was, ‘Did you get Aggie?’” says Carolyn Kiefer.

Aggie is a Maine Coon cat. She’s about 5 years old. A friend gave her to Katherine Kiefer.

Carolyn Kiefer searched for Aggie. But Aggie likes to hide. She couldn’t find the cat.

Two months passed. Firefighters stopped the wildfires. But Aggie hadn’t returned. Mrs. Kiefer and her daughter feared the worst.

Then they got a call from the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter. Aggie was alive!

The Kiefers rushed to VCA Chatoak Animal Hospital. Aggie curled up in Mrs. Kiefer’s arms. Happy tears streamed down Mrs. Kiefer’s face.

“I was very much worried that I was going to wake up and (discover) it had been a dream,” she says.

Her daughter filmed the reunion. She posted the video online. Over a million people watched and celebrated with them.

Those online strangers didn’t just watch the video. Many decided to help.

Aggie had survived. But she was thin and sickly. “In a state of absolute starvation,” says Carolyn Kiefer. Now veterinarians help Aggie recover. But that medical care costs money. The Kiefers need $30,000. So far, Aggie’s online fans have raised more than $26,000.

The animal hospital plans to release Aggie this week.

God protects His creatures. He cares about cats and dogs. He cares about people even more. If He even takes care of cats, how much more will He take care of you?

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? — Matthew 6:26