Amphibian Crossing | God's World News
Amphibian Crossing
News Shorts
Posted: April 28, 2015


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Hop, slither, hop, hop! Millions of salamanders and frogs are crossing the New Hampshire highway in the dark.

You might have read about the amazing amphibian migration before. It happens every spring. The amphibians are moving to pools that come from melted snow. At the pools they mate and lay eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the babies spend the spring developing. When the pools dry in summer, it’s time for the critters to move on.

But this year spring came late. That means the migration came late too. Will the baby animals have enough time to develop before the pools dry?

Biologists want as many of the creatures to survive as possible. Their advice? When you’re headed to the grocery store for a midnight gallon of milk, watch out for salamanders and frogs!

Do you think the Egyptian plague of frogs looked something like this?

“Their land swarmed with frogs.”—Psalm 105:30