Monday was Bring Your Kid to Work Day for young Guy Rose. There’s nothing unusual about that—except that his dad works as a U.S. congressman.
The U.S. Congress includes lawmakers from each state. Guy’s dad, also named Guy Rose, is a representative from Tennessee. He is a Republican.
Representative Rose may never make a more memorable speech than the one he gave Monday. Not because of what he said, but because of what his son did for the camera.
The TV network C-SPAN broadcasts what happens during congressional meetings. And six-year-old Guy gave watchers a show.
The little boy sat behind his father. The meeting was getting dull. First the boy looked directly into the cameras, smiling from ear to ear. Then he got bored for a bit. But not for long. Out came the tongue. Then came the rolling of the eyes and a shaking of the head. And then came hand motions. His silliness might have gotten him sent to the principal’s office if he were in school.
Before long, young Guy Rose was in the news. The youngster just graduated from kindergarten last week. He’s spending the week in Washington, D.C., with his dad. His little brother is home with Mom in Tennessee.
Lawmaking is serious work. It takes great wisdom. (See Proverbs 8:15. Here, wisdom says, “By me kings reign, and rulers decree what is just.”) But it seems some government workers were happy to have a little fun thrown in. “So sorry I was slow responding to your email[.] I was tied up watching this over and over again,” Aaron Fritschner tweeted on social media. He’s the communications director for a Virginia representative.
Representative Rose didn’t notice his son’s antics. He continued on with his speech.
“This is what I get for telling my son Guy to smile at the camera for his little brother,” Mr. Rose later tweeted.