Bullfight Ban | God's World News
Bullfight Ban
News Shorts
Posted: May 29, 2024
  • K1 20844
    People protest bullfighting. In Spanish, their signs say, “No more culture of violence.” (AP/Fernando Vergara)
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    Demonstrators held a vigil to remember the slain bulls. (AP/Fernando Vergara)
  • K1 20844
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A man in a shiny costume waves a red cape. An angry bull charges into the arena. The man dodges the bull, over and over. He swings a sword. The bull falls dead.

This man is a matador. He is bullfighting. Bullfighting is an ancient activity. Many people now criticize the dangerous event. This week, Colombia’s congress voted to ban it.

The new law will phase out bullfighting over three years. By 2028, all bullfights would be illegal. Colombian President Gustavo Petro must sign the law. He probably will. He has stood against bullfighting for a long time.

Bullfighting began in Spain and Portugal. Settlers brought the practice to the Americas. Bullfights still happen in Spain, France, Mexico, Portugal, Peru, and Ecuador.

In Colombia, TV networks used to broadcast the event. Even today, some bullfights draw tens of thousands of spectators. But in most places, its popularity has faded.

Why is that? People have changed how they think about bullfighting. There are many reasons.

The bulls in bullfights are bred to be violent. During the fights, bulls get stabbed and killed. It’s also perilous for the matador. Sometimes bullfighters die. Horses often are forced to participate. They can be injured or killed too. People call bullfighting a bloodsport.

But bullfighting fans call the event a tradition. They claim the ban takes away their freedoms. Big bullfights still draw thousands of visitors. Those visitors bring money to Colombia’s cities.

Terry Hurtado is a city council member in Cali, Colombia. He leads protests against bullfighting. “This ban is a huge victory for organizations that have worked to transform society and reject violence against animals,” he says. “I feel relieved that bulls and horses . . . in Colombia will no longer be tortured.”

God wants us to care for His creatures. Some people hunt or slaughter animals for meat and other useful products. But bullfights kill animals just for fun. They put humans in danger too. Does tradition make that okay? Colombia’s lawmakers say no.

Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds. — Proverbs 27:23