Hidden Penguins | God's World News
Hidden Penguins
News Shorts
Posted: January 24, 2024
  • K1 34042
    Emperor penguin families seek more stable homes. (British Antarctic Survey via AP)
  • K2 27971
    Satellite images reveal undiscovered emperor penguin colonies. Can you spot them? Click the arrows in the upper right corner to see the full image. (Copernicus/British Antarctic Survey via AP)
  • K1 34042
  • K2 27971


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Look across the snowy landscape of Antarctica. It doesn’t seem like a great hiding spot. But scientists discovered hidden colonies of emperor penguins here.

Emperor penguins survive in temperatures 40 degrees below zero. To stay warm, they huddle together. They thrive on the frozen tundra.

But emperor penguin populations have dwindled. Scientists call them “near threatened” with extinction.

Emperor penguins live on the edge. Literally. Unlike most birds, they build no nests. Instead, they lay eggs and raise chicks on patches of ice. Sometimes that ice breaks. When it does, the adults can swim. But most baby birds don’t survive.

In recent years, ice breaks have increased. Some penguin colonies set out for new homes. They look for safer places to raise their young.

“Emperor penguins have taken it upon themselves to try to find more stable sea ice,” says researcher Peter Fretwell.

Researchers found the new penguin colonies via satellite. The satellite images show what appear to be empty white landscapes. But look closely. You’ll see small smudges of color. Those smudges are the penguin colonies. This isn’t the first time scientists spotted penguins from space. Researchers have discovered many penguin colonies this way.

Scientists believe these colonies have existed for many years. It’s unclear whether they broke away from larger groups. These newfound colonies are small. Each has fewer than 1,000 pairs of penguin parents.

Emperor penguins still have population problems. But the discovery could help scientists figure out where other penguins are headed.

Emperor penguins are the largest penguin species. Some grow nearly four feet tall. That might be as tall as you!

God cares about His creatures. Even birds! He gave penguins the ability to find new homes when trouble comes.

Look at the birds of the air: They neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? — Matthew 6:26