How Women Helped Win D-Day | God's World News
How Women Helped Win D-Day
News Shorts
Posted: June 05, 2024
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    On D-Day, Marie Scott worked as a radio operator. (AP/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
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    Marie Scott was only 17 when she did her part in World War II. (AP/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
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June 6 marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day. This day turned the tide of World War II. Thousands of men gave their lives to free Europe from tyranny. Theirs was the ultimate (greatest) sacrifice. (See John 15:13.) But many others also had roles in the eventual victory.

More than one million women worked behind the scenes. They didn’t serve in combat. But their efforts helped make D-Day a success.

In 1940, Nazi Germany invaded France. The Nazis conquered France and several surrounding countries. But the Allied forces fought back. About 156,000 troops from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom landed in Normandy, France. They defeated the Nazis in the country. Soon, they won the war.

Marie Scott was just 17 years old. But she could still help. She worked as a radio operator. She sent messages from commanders in England to the troops at Normandy. Through her headset, she could hear the chaos of battle.

Mrs. Scott is now 97 years old. “I get a certain satisfaction from my wartime experience,” she says. “And I do allow myself, occasionally, just a tinge of pride in my younger self.”

Even Princess Elizabeth, the future queen, did her part. She trained as a driver and mechanic for the British army.

Women’s work went beyond the military. While men went off to fight, women helped keep their home countries running. Some worked in factories. Some farmed crops. Others helped firefighters when German planes dropped bombs on London.

Even kids helped win the war. They raised money. They collected scrap for recycling to make supplies. They planted gardens.

Every Christian has a part in pushing back evil in the world. Evil doesn’t always look as obvious as Nazi Germany. People fight evil when they stop bullies. They fight evil by refusing to spread mean rumors. They even fight evil by sharing lunch with those who can’t afford food. And one day, God will get rid of all sin and harm in the world forever. (Revelation 21:4-5)

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Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. — Romans 12:21