Inky Escape | God's World News
Inky Escape
News Shorts
Posted: April 21, 2016


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Inky the octopus waited until dark. Then he made a break for it. He squeezed out of the mesh at the top of his aquarium. He slithered six feet to the floor. Then he squirmed his way to the other side of the room, found a drain hole, crawled inside it, and slid down a pipe back into the Pacific Ocean.

The octopus first came to the National Aquarium of New Zealand when a fisherman caught him in a lobster pot. He had been injured, probably by another sea creature. At the aquarium, he healed. He also learned to eat from people’s hands, squirt water at them, and unscrew jar lids with his tentacles!

When Inky made his escape, aquarium workers didn’t try to find him again. They are glad Inky can live in the ocean once more.