Lego Sleepover | God's World News
Lego Sleepover
News Shorts
Posted: November 03, 2017


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Would you like to sleep in this house? Almost everything inside it is made entirely of Legos!

Lego is having a sleepover contest at its newly-opened Lego House in Billund, Denmark. Lego House has 25 million Legos inside! It has a parents’ bedroom with a Lego cat, slippers, a coffee pot, and even a newspaper made from Legos. In the kid’s bedroom there’s a Lego teddy bear, lamp, and story book. Above the bed stands a 20-foot tall Lego waterfall! Sounds like paradise—as long as you don’t step on any Legos.

Contestants will each submit an idea for what they would build if they had an unlimited supply of Legos. The winner will get to have a Lego sleepover—and get a chance to build his or her Lego dream project with the help of an expert. What would you build? 

(AP photo: The adult bedroom with cat and newspaper all made of Lego bricks)