Uh Oh, Baby Shark | God's World News
Uh Oh, Baby Shark
News Shorts
Posted: September 14, 2023
  • K1 09253
    Deb and Steve Dauphinais found this baby shark stuck in a work glove on September 11, 2023. (Debra Dauphinais via AP)


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Baby shark, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo . . .

Enough singing about baby sharks. How about rescuing one instead? 

Deb and Steve Dauphinais were diving on the sand flats off Jamestown, Rhode Island. Mrs. Dauphinais spotted a 16-inch juvenile shark. Its head was stuck inside a work glove at the bottom of about 35 feet of water.

Mrs. Dauphinais, a dive instructor, says she thought the shark was dead. Then it twitched. She motioned for her husband to come over and help.

“He came over and did his own little double-take,” she reports.

Mr. Dauphinais tugged on the glove. It seemed to be suctioned to the shark’s head. But it eventually popped free.

Would you have freed the baby shark . . . or would you be afraid it would attack you?

These rescuers say they didn’t fear attack. But they were cautious in case it snapped at them.

“It kind of looked at both of us, didn’t look at all injured, got its equilibrium back, and then swam off back to where it is supposed to be,” says Mrs. Dauphinais.

A few years ago, Mrs. Dauphinais also freed a black sea bass that had been hooked on an old fishing line. “There are countless stories of underwater sea creatures being killed by underwater sea trash,” she says. “It’s an ongoing issue that’s near and dear to my heart.”

Here is the sea, great and wide, which teems with creatures innumerable, living things both small and great. — Psalm 104:25