American Indian: Are You? | God's World News
American Indian: Are You?
Citizen Ship
Posted: January 18, 2015


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Do you have any American Indian blood in you? Don’t answer yet. Do a little research first. American Indians still live in North America. But they don’t all do it in the same way. Some live alongside non-Indians. They dress, think, and act just like them. Others live with just their tribes. Their tribal councils work with the U.S. government. If you were an American Indian, you would know it. Right? You might not.

A U.S. census was taken in 2010. More than five million people said they were American Indians. That sounds like a lot. But it’s just a sliver of the whole U.S. population. Why did the census show so few American Indians? There must be more out there. They must have American Indian blood and not know it.

Are you an American Indian? Here’s one way to find out. Go to the website But don’t go unless you’re really curious. You’ll need a little money, too. You’ll have to pay for the information you find. The site has collected lots of American Indian records—more than 3 million! You can learn about 570 tribes. You’ll see census counts. You’ll see treaties and marriage certificates. You might find out that you have some American Indian blood!

God made people to be different from each other. They speak different languages. They don’t look the same. They have distinct ideas about how life works. Isn’t that exciting? Christians have these kinds of differences too. But they also have something that makes them alike. They know Jesus is their Savior. That’s a family tie that will never get lost!