Whose Hawaii Is It? | God's World News
Whose Hawaii Is It?
Citizen Ship
Posted: January 18, 2015


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Imagine the perfect vacation spot. Do you see lush green mountains? Can you hear the rush of a waterfall? Does a volcano rumble nearby? If so, your perfect vacation spot is . . . drum roll, please . . . Hawaii! But Hawaii is more than a spot to get a good tan. It’s also full of history.

People have been in Hawaii since the year 300. They probably sailed from nearby islands to get there. Over time, tribes joined together. A king ruled them.

Then new people showed up. First came a British explorer named James Cook. More people from Europe followed him to the islands. Then came American missionaries, telling the good news about Jesus. Hawaii changed. In 1893, businessmen overthrew Queen Lili’uokalani. (Can you say her name? It’s: Lilly-ooka-lahn-ee.)

Next the United States claimed the country. It became the 50th U.S. state. That was in 1959. That was just over 50 years ago! Can you believe it?

The United States took Hawaii. Was that fair? Many Native Hawaiians say “no.” They say, “The United States broke the law!” But some Hawaiians don’t want to go back to the old kingdom. They like being Americans.

People often argue about kingdoms and lands on Earth. But one thing is certain. Anyone who trusts in Jesus belongs to God’s kingdom. It includes people from every nation! Are you part of it?