America’s Lighthouse | God's World News
America’s Lighthouse
Time Machine
Posted: September 06, 2016


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Boston Light may be America’s lighthouse. But Americans didn’t build it. The British did. In fact, when Boston Light started shining, the United States didn’t even exist yet! If Boston Light could talk, what would it tell us about U.S. history?

Americans burned Boston Light. Then they burned it again. About 60 years after the lighthouse was built, the Revolutionary War started. The British controlled Boston. They took over Little Brewster Island, the island where Boston Light stands. American revolutionaries burned the wooden parts of the lighthouse in 1775. The British started rebuilding it right away. But those repairs didn’t last long. Just 11 days after the first attack, General George Washington gave an order. He told troops to “Storm the lighthouse!” The troops burned the lighthouse all over again.

The British bombed Boston Light. In 1776, the British left Boston. As they left, they bombed the lighthouse themselves. By that time, the lighthouse wasn’t just in bad shape. It was destroyed!

Americans rebuilt Boston Light. In 1783, Americans built a new lighthouse. They put it right where the old one had stood. If you visit Little Brewster Island today, you will see the lighthouse they built.

Boston Light went dark. During World War II, Americans darkened the lighthouse. They did this to keep sailors safe. With the light off, soldiers on enemy submarines couldn’t see American ships.