What do you think of these odd names? Boophis kirki. Boophis picardi. Boophis pikei. These titles belong to three of seven newly discovered frog species. But science fiction fans might spot something familiar.
These frogs are named after captains from the Star Trek TV show and films.
Boophis kirki is named after Captain Kirk. Boophis picardi is named after Captain Picard. The list goes on.
Why the sci-fi inspiration? These frogs make loud noises to attract mates. They live in the rainforests of Madagascar. To be heard over forest ruckus, they need to get loud. The result sounds a bit like the beeps and whistles of old science fiction shows. At least, that’s what the researchers thought.
Mark Scherz is a researcher. He helped discover and name the frogs. He’s also a huge Star Trek fan. So is his fellow researcher, Miguel Vences. Their love of Star Trek helped them become friends. Dr. Scherz suggested naming the frogs after Star Trek characters. His fellow researchers said, “Make it so!” (Sorry—Star Trek joke.)
At first, they didn’t realize the frogs belonged to a new species. They thought these frogs were Boophis marojezensis. (Rookie mistake!) Researchers have discovered over 80 species of Boophis frogs. Boophis is a genus. A genus is a group of species with some common characteristics. Many Boophis frogs have translucent (clear) skin. But don’t confuse them with glass frogs! (For that, see Glass Act.)
Many frog species are endangered. By learning about frogs, researchers might also figure out how to protect them. They also get to name them. Humans have been naming creatures since the beginning of history! Can you think of an example from the Bible? (Hint: See Genesis 2.)
The space adventures of Star Trek inspired Dr. Scherz and his partners. But scientists still find new things right here on Earth. No star trekking required.
Why? Scientists are still discovering new things in God’s world. Those finds teach us about our Creator and help us become better caretakers.