Westminster Winners Mix it Up | God's World News
Westminster Winners Mix It Up
News Shorts
Posted: May 15, 2024
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    Cynthia Hornor poses with Nimble, the first mixed-breed dog to win the Westminster agility competition. (AP/Jennifer Peltz)
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    This year’s best in show, Sage, competes with handler Kaz Hosaka. (AP/Julia Nikhinson)
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    Golden retrievers wait to compete. (AP/Julia Nikhinson)
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The 148th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show wrapped up this week. Judges picked winners for categories such as agility and best in show. A mixed-breed dog took home the agility prize for the first time ever.

Westminster is the most famous dog show in the United States. The top prize goes to the best example of a pure dog breed. Last year, a petit basset griffon Vendéen won the show. He was the first (deep breath) petit basset griffon Vendéen ever to win.

This year’s top prize went to Sage. She’s a black miniature poodle. Her handler, Kaz Hosaka, has competed for 45 years. He’s now handled two Westminster winners. After this victory, he plans to retire.

To win, Sage bested six other finalists. They included:

  • Comet, a shih tzu
  • Monty, a giant schnauzer
  • Louis, an Afghan hound
  • Micah, a black cocker spaniel
  • Frankie, a colored bull terrier

But it’s not all a beauty contest. Ten years ago, officials introduced an agility competition. Mixed-breed dogs could compete. Before that, blended breeds hadn’t been allowed at Westminster for more than one hundred years!

Until now, purebreds dominated the agility test. But this year’s agility prize went to a border collie-papillon mix. Her name is Nimble. She outmaneuvered 50 other finalists.

“She just tries hard, and she’s a wonderful dog,” says her handler, Cynthia Hornor.

Nimble stands about one foot tall. But size didn’t hold her back. She’s not just the first mixed-breed to win. She’s also the smallest dog to win. Nimble finished the course in 28.76 seconds. She made no mistakes.

Not everyone’s a fan of the dog show. Some people think it’s cruel to breed dogs for competition or looks. One protester tried to enter the competition ring. She carried a sign that said “Boycott breeders.”

But many handlers love their pups. Ms. Horner says that outside the ring, Nimble lives a normal dog life. The dog likes swimming, hiking, and just hanging out.

To enter any competition, dogs need to be well trained. James wrote that any kind of creature can be tamed. (James 3:7) Read verse 8 to find out what he said is much harder to conquer.

For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. — James 3:7-8