Dino-Sitter | God's World News
Critter File
Posted: November 04, 2014


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You might know a bit about dinosaurs. You know they hatched from eggs. You know that some walked and some flew. You’ve probably heard names like pterodactyl and Tyrannosaurus rex. But have you ever heard of a babysittersaurus?

Alright—there’s no real babysittersaurus. We made that name up. But scientists do think they found a dinosaur that acted as a babysitter. Can you imagine a dinosaur looking at his mate and saying, “Honey, let’s call the sitter tonight?” Sound like nonsense? It very well could be.

Researchers studied a rock slab. It is two feet across. Fossils cover it. It shows 24 baby dinosaurs. It shows one older dinosaur. The dinos all belonged to the same species. The older dinosaur probably wasn’t the babies’ parent. It wasn’t old enough. But scientists think it could have been a big brother or sister. Imagine that. A teenage, plant-eating dinosaur was stuck with a babysitting job!

Was the dino actually a babysitter? No one can really tell. Maybe it was nearby for another reason. We can be thankful for the rock slab. It shows us that creation is wilder than we dreamed. We can’t tell what really happened in cases like these. But it sure is fun to guess!