Have you ever made up rules to a game? Do you let the youngest player go first? Or make the fastest runner give others a head start? Rule changes like these are called “house rules.” They try to make games fairer or more fun.
A classic board game is introducing new rules. The Hasbro Company hopes everyone will want to play the Monopoly House Rules edition.
Hasbro looked at rules families use in their own homes. Some were amusing—like moms always getting out of jail free. Some seemed silly—like counting to three and grabbing as much Monopoly money as you can.
Hasbro asked people to vote for their favorite house rules. These rules won:
- Frozen Assets: Players in jail can’t collect rent.
- Dash for the Cash: Get $400 (instead of $200) for landing on “Go.”
- Free Parking, Fast Cash: Collect money when landing on Free Parking.
- See the Sights: Travel around the board once before buying any property.
- Lucky Roller: Collect $500 for rolling double ones.
We all need rules. Rules keep games, families, schools, and countries running smoothly. People often try to make life better by changing the rules. Sometimes “house rule” changes work. Sometimes they don’t.
Don’t worry that God will ever “change the rules.” God’s laws, His mercies, and His love are immutable!