Newsthink: Games and Life | God's World News
Newsthink: Games and Life
Citizen Ship
Posted: November 04, 2014


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WORLDkids | Ages 7-10 | $35.88 per year

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“You will learn about life when you play The Game of Life.” At least, that’s what it said on the first Life game boxes that Milton Bradley released in 1860.

Today’s Life game is different from the one released so long ago. At the start of the game you pick out a little car and plant a tiny pink or blue person in the driver’s seat. Next you face a decision: Will that little person—you—go to college? After you decide, you spin a dial and move from space to space.

Good or bad things happen to you based on where you land. There’s a little thinking in the game. But what happens is mostly determined by chance. You do face real-life choices when playing board games. They might not help you decide what career you want or whether to attend college. But they can help you with other questions. Will you be scrupulous, or cheat? Is it more important to win or to have good character?

God sees everything you do—no matter how small. He hasn’t put you in a game of chance. Your decisions matter to Him, and He delights in watching His children grow up in wisdom!