“In this life you have to be perfect.” Bzzzzz! Wrong! “If you mess up, you have to give up.” Bzzzzz! Wrong again!
We all make mistakes. But then we try again. That’s a lesson learned from Operation, a game invented in 1998. Bzzzzz! I mean, 1965.
The game Operation is known for the buzzing sound it makes. You have to operate on the patient, Cavity Sam. Be steady as you reach into the patient! If your tweezers touch an edge, bzzzz! Sam’s nose lights up. You lose your turn.
This famous kids’ game has been chosen as a 2014 National Toy Hall of Fame finalist. Toys inducted into the Hall of Fame can be anything kids play with. All kinds of things have won. Legos won. So did the baby doll. Even the stick and the cardboard box are winners!
Will Operation win? If it does, the game will join other winners like chess, checkers, Scrabble, the Game of Life, Candy Land, and Monopoly.
The Bible gives examples of godly characteristics. As we grow with Jesus, we learn patience, kindness, humility, and gentleness. (Colossians 3:12)
Playing board games helps us practice all of these!